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What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a common virus that infects humans, typically leading to an upper respiratory infection (URI.) The disease is caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as ‘2019 novel coronavirus’ or ‘2019-nCoV.’

What can I do to prevent it?

To prevent contracting the Coronavirus, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend the following:

Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Wear a mask over your nose and mouth.
Stay at least 6 feet away from people who don’t live with you.
Avoid crowded areas and poorly ventilated spaces.
Get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as you are eligible or becomes available in your town.
Health experts recommend that you continue to follow the above steps above until you are fully vaccinated.
How do I know if I have it?
Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms.
Health experts recommend that you continue to follow the above steps above until you are fully vaccinated.

How do I know if I have it?

Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms.

People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

Who is at most risk?

Everyone can get COVID-19, but older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more severe complications from COVID-19 illness.

What can I do if I come in contact with someone who has COVID-19?

Stay home and monitor your health for 14 days after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19. Watch for fever (100.4◦F), cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19If possible, stay away from others, especially people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19
What is Quarantine!It’s a public health protocol used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent the spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or infected with the virus without feeling symptoms. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directions from their state or local health department. Your local public health authorities can determine and establish quarantine options for your community.
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